Saturday, April 2, 2011

By Land, Sea or Air

This week's photo theme (courtesy of written inc.) is "By Land, Sea or Air". Although DH seems to have taken a lot of photos of me "in action" (driving, etc.), I finally found one that I took. Up on a bridge were me and my little pocket camera. It was cold but sunny, late in the afternoon of a late November day. The bridge itself is scenic, but this time I was more interested in what was under the bridge: some crazy kayakers, whom I assume were warm-blooded! The were practicing rollovers in an area known for dangerous currents. It's not something I'd like to try (brrrrr!), but it was fun to take photos of them. I like this photo because of the kayak colors, the seaweed, and the "texture" the patterns in the water make.


  1. Awesome photo! You know that's me in the yellow one, rght?

  2. Cool shot. But I'm with you, not something I'd try! lol

  3. That's a stunning shot! I have tried it, and loved the experience :)

  4. Very impressive photo. I like the texture too.
    FYI your link on Written Inc doesn't work properly.

  5. Actually, I do like to kayak. The day of the photo, however, it was ~40F! I can't imagine how cold that water was. Yeah, I'm a wimp like that.

    APW, thanks for letting me know the link didn't work! html is not my strong suit. It should work now. :-)

  6. Yes, it does. I came over to check and to see this cool photo again. Really well done.

  7. What a shot from so far above... It doesn't even look like looks like a textured wall...Great shot.

  8. I've always wanted to try kayaking but I've always been afraid I'd get hurt or drown or something. I'm not sure why because I'm a strong swimmer, I just don't relish the idea of being in a really long boat that can flip over.

  9. This is so very awesome....and reminds me that we need to use them more in the water than sitting in the pole barn! Cool post!

  10. I agree with you...I like the texture feel...nice!

  11. liking this shot heaps
    ( canoe girl myself tho....)


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